phone verification is not available for numbers outside the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK. if you entered the wrong phone number, wait 5 minutes, then press "call me again". please note: you may only try to call a number once every five minutes. you may only try to enter the code five times.

Craiglist Phone Verification Jan 28, 2015 Craiglist Phone Verification Jan 28, 2015 How to Pass the Craigslist Phone Verification | Techwalla Craigslist requires you to have an American or Canadian phone number to perform the phone verification process. You cannot use Skype numbers -- and some numbers similarly supplied by any other voice-over-IP application -- to pass the Craigslist phone verification process.

How to Pass the Craigslist Phone Verification | Techwalla

Nov 14, 2012 · Bypassing Craigslist Phone Verification As a preface to this post I would like to say that Craiglist's phone verification system is fascinating to me. Phone phreaking is a topic I have a lot of interest in even if it has now more or less become an artifact of the past. Aug 13, 2019 · This scam on Google is a common scam nearly-identical to the Craigslist verification code scam. The Google Voice verification scam is basically carried out by a scammer to create a Google Voice account using a third-party target's mobile number. We provide real American numbers for any social network, classified site, email service, survey, apps etc for you to verify your self. we have 24/7 hours real time support to speed up your work. Jan 18, 2017 · I just recently posted an ad on Craigslist and when I went to my email I got an email that said that I had to have a text sent to my phone for verification purposes with a code. I currently have an iPhone 6 Plus and my mobile phone service provider is Freedompop. For some reason I did not receive a code via text on my phone.

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(for craigslist) How can I create a fake phone number? (for craigslist) Author: BigBallerBrand Posted: 06/16 5:19 AM I want to sell something on craigslist but i don't want to post my real phone number on there. are there any sites where u can create a phone number and when people call that number it forwards the call to my real phone number? The best phone number and way to avoid the wait on hold, available live chat options, and the best ways overall to contact Craigslist in an easy-to-use summary, as well as a full comparison of the 5 ways to reach Craigslist, compared by speed and customer recommendations. Aug 08, 2010 · Craigslist phone verification? I'm about to give craigslist my phone number for the account verification but I'm worried. Is it safe to do so? Will craigslist sell it or spam it because it's a land line and I would not like to change my phone number. Has anybody done this before? Is this perfectly safe? No, I